Typically, a business starts with an idea of how to bring happiness to humanity. A man is driven by idea, forcing to search for like-minded people, stand in queues for registration of the company, solve the personnel problem, rent an office, decorate it and pay for advertising. In the wake of the success business grows, it acquires great staff and apartments, brings joy and satisfaction from the done work, but gradually becomes more complicated. Paper work consumes too much time. Too hard to find necessary. Not always even clear what to search for. Unfortunately, noone could find the golden formula that describes, at what point is it time to come to grips with the information structure of the company, but there are enough examples where the lack of attention to this aspect has ruined the most remarkable projects.
Meanwhile, the number of staff is growing and not always new employees are needed for business: often they just serve the paper, preparatory or analytical work that could be done by system created for your company.
It was at this moment appears an understandable desire to improve all that is possible to improve, to optimize the rest part and to think about how to invest in the development of the freed resources. Quick study of range sometimes does not bring the product that implements unique to your company technology of business management, and modification of packaged solutions results in incompatible with the allocated budget amount. Remains one, the most successful and enjoyable in the long run solution: to order elaboration.
Pluses are obvious: the system will encircle needs of company like a glove, solve every, even the most unusual problem and being available in source code will allow any changes. Everything seems well and only one question is not haunted: who to involve in elaboration? Judging by the fact that you’re reading this text, you have already found the right people. So:
- we create software for more than 15 years and we like what we do
- In short, we try to make a good systems, and not to do bad ones
- it is hard to surprise or scare us of volume/complexity of work
- we are always ready to discuss reasonable terms and budgets
- complex things we do comfortable and impossible – very simple
- we are ready to elaborate not only classic applications, but also convenient, based on web-technologies
Contact us for cooperation!